It can also be a high-maintenance operation, with its 3D printers, tiny circuit boards, robots, and the staff, carts, and cubbies to manage them all.
If your space is exclusively for teens and young adults, go for it.
Is this a realistic option for younger kids, blended-age families, and multi-purpose facilities? Probably not.
The Everbright brings STEAM to all ages, in a passive-programming kind of way. No one needs training, supervision, or a sign-up sheet.
One canvas. Multiple developmental milestones. No removable parts. Promotes multiple literacies, from spatial intelligence to mathematics to design thinking.
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Understand the costs of the Everbright and other interactive feature light walls by reading
this pricing guide.Looking for something custom?
Have questions? Begin the conversation below.
The Everbright is designed, engineered, and individually fabricated by Hero Design LLC