Giant Lite Brite vs. the Everbright: Pros, Cons, & Recommendations
March 15, 2025
Choosing the Right Interactive Light Wall
Many people find us while searching for a giant Lite Brite. If that’s you, this article lays out a side-by-side comparison so you can make an informed decision.
Both the Giant Lite Brite and The Everbright are interactive light walls designed for creativity, but they serve different needs. Here’s how they compare across key factors like engagement, accessibility, maintenance, and cost.
Quick Summary: Which One Is Right for You?
Choose the Everbright if…
You need low-maintenance, high-durability for public spaces.
You want instant play—no setup, no pegs, no mess.
You need something accessible to all ages and abilities (including babies and people with disabilities).
You want an installation that resets itself throughout the day.
Choose a Giant Lite Brite Wall if…
You prefer a peg-based design similar to the childhood toy.
You have a low-traffic, small-group setting where pegs won’t get lost or scattered.
You’re looking for a lower upfront cost and don’t mind ongoing maintenance.
You need a temporary installation (some are available for rent).
Now, let’s break down the details.
1. User Experience: Multiuser, Intergenerational Appeal & Accessibility
Multiuser & Intergenerational Potential
Giant Lite Brite Wall: Works best for small groups. Limited by peg availability and space to work—if the board is full, people may not engage.
Everbright: Can be used by up to 20 people simultaneously. No waiting for pegs or space—just turn a dial and start creating.
Accessibility for All Ages & Abilities
Giant Lite Brite Wall: Requires fine motor skills. Not ideal for toddlers, people with disabilities, or those with limited dexterity.
Everbright: Dials can be turned by babies, toddlers, people with limited hand function, and even blind users.
While most people can pick up and place a peg, some visitors—toddlers, seniors, and people with limited hand mobility—struggle. The Everbright eliminates this barrier entirely. See how →
“This special needs child visited us yesterday on a field trip. She was here 2 hours and never left the Everbright Wall! Ashley got her a chair so she could sit to play and snapped this remarkable moment. (Yes, with permission😀) She doesn’t talk but her eyes said it all! Thank you all for what you do! You make a difference in children’s lives. Have a great Thursday!” — Rhonda Bullard, Longview World of Wonders Museum
Keeping the Experience Fresh
Giant Lite Brite: Old designs stay until removed manually. Staff or visitors must clear it for new users.
Everbright:Automatically resets itself after a set time or at the push of a button. Always a fresh canvas.
Giant Lite Brite : Varies by manufacturer. Some require assembly and plug-in wiring, others are self-standing.
Everbright:Ships fully assembled. Requires a sturdy wall and a 120V outlet with a light switch for easy power control.
Day-to-Day Maintenance
Giant Lite Brite: Staff must pick up lost pegs, sort them by color, and clean them regularly.
Everbright:No loose parts. No daily setup. Just a quick wipe-down when needed.
Dealing with Vandalism or Inappropriate Use
Giant Lite Brite: If someone creates an inappropriate design, staff must manually remove each peg.
Everbright: You can set it to erase itself automatically after a short period, or clear it instantly with a button press.
3. Cost & Long-Term Value
Upfront Cost
Giant Lite Brite: Prices range from $8,495 to $22,000, depending on size and quality.
Everbright: Prices start at $15,000 plus shipping for the smallest model. Higher upfront, but lower long-term costs.
Lifetime Cost of Ownership
Giant Lite Brite: Expect to replace lost pegs and clean them regularly. Peg storage and daily upkeep add ongoing labor costs.
Everbright:No replacement parts needed for years. The dials last for hundreds of thousands of uses.
Example: A high-traffic science center with an Everbright Classic reported needing only one to two pixel replacements per year after five years of use.
4. Customization, Theming & Branding
Can You Customize the Look?
Giant Lite Brite: Some models allow custom peg colors or different backdrops.
Everbright: The LED colors, animations, and patterns can be customized to match your brand, theme, or event.
Can You Save & Reload Designs?
Giant Lite Brite: No built-in saving—once pegs are removed, designs are gone.
Everbright:Save your favorite designs and reload them anytime for special events or themes.
5. Lead Time & Availability
Giant Lite Brite: Available from multiple manufacturers. Lead times vary.
Everbright: Made to order. Typical 12-week lead time, with flexibility or rush production available upon request. Not available for short-term rentals or events.
Final Recommendations: Which One Is Right for You?
Choose the Giant Lite Brite Wall if…
You want a lower upfront cost and are okay with ongoing maintenance.
You’re in a low-traffic environment where peg loss isn’t a concern.
You need a short-term rental or temporary installation.
Choose the Everbright if…
You need something that holds up in public spaces with minimal upkeep.
You want instant play, no setup, and no loose parts to manage.
You want an interactive display that resets itself and engages visitors all day.
Still deciding? Let’s talk.Book a call to discuss your space and goals!
Curious whether or not the Everbright could be a fit for your project?
Take this interactive quiz for instant, customized recommendations. Learn what standard sizes are available, and discover the ideal size and mounting height for your space—ages, numbers of visitors—and budget.